In Depth Analysis
When you sign up for our services, you will get a comprehensive 80-minute consult with Ana that delves into your unique history and symptoms. This comprehensive, custom consult concludes with actionable, personalized strategies to improve your mind-body health at a pace you are ready for. Next, we get targeted lab-work (done at an outside lab) that helps us better understand you and your unique challenges. We then meet every two to four weeks for 50 minutes over a minimum of 3 months. Typical treatment courses range anywhere from 3-12 months, sometimes longer. You will have email access to our team between visits.
Collaborative Mind Body Care
Please note that our model is collaborative, consultative, and entirely virtual. In addition to collaborating with and consulting with you, we also frequently collaborate with your primary healthcare team. As a requirement to sign up for our services, we do ask that you have a primary care provider in place. Depending on the severity of your mental health symptoms, we may also ask that you have a separate, local mental healthcare provider in place who can see you in person and safely prescribe and monitor psychiatric medications where indicated.
Whole Body Approach
Unlike many traditional psychiatric practices, we place a heavy emphasis on lifestyle approaches to addressing whole-body dysfunction. We honor the fact that our body systems, including our mind-brain, are intricately inter-connected and not siloed. Unlike many “functional health coach” practices, we refrain from ordering a long list of expensive esoteric labs and supplements. We feel this fuels an inherent mistrust in the human body, not to mention the treating provider! Overall, we offer a grounded and evidence-based approach to guiding you to optimal mental wellness.
Education and Empowerment
In line with our philosophy of partnering with you on your healthcare journey, we prioritize educating you on a variety of “mind-body health foundations” and the inter-connectedness of your symptoms. We believe this education is key for inspiring you toward relevant and sustainable lifestyle change. After your initial comprehensive consultation, each follow-up session delves into one of several health foundations (e.g. sleep, stress, metabolic health, micronutrients, hormones, relationship health, and spiritual health) specifically tailored to you and your unique journey.
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